Ammeter in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum The ammeter allows you to get the current level in wires and redstone devices. Right click any redstone device while holding coal (Or ...
Integrated Circuits in Membership, Platinum Integrated circuits (also known as ICs) are compact components that perform the task of complicated circuits or do things otherwise ...
Bedrock Enchantment Table GUI in Bedrock Bedrock Enchantment table GUI support is still impossible since we are using the pre-1.16 inventory system. To solve this, we replaced ...
Drills in Membership, Platinum Drills! (autonomous mining) Reference image for how to build 1st drill is a horizontal drill, 2nd drill is a vertical drill.) Drill ...
Elevator in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum Elevators allow you to move between floors easily. Signs must be created in the same location but above or below in order to link ...
LightStone in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum The LightStone mechanic allows you to get the current light level for a block. Right click any block while holding GlowStone Dust to ...
Hidden Switch in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum Hidden Switches allow you to hide a redstone lever or button behind a wall. On right click of the associated block, the lever or button ...
Sign Copier in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum The Sign Copier mechanic can be used to copy the text from one sign to another sign, and edit the text on the signs if needed. Usage To ...
Painting Switcher in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum The Painting Switch mechanic allows a player to switch between paintings using the scroll wheel of their mouse. Usage Right click on a ...
Gate in Mechanisms, Membership, Platinum Gates are fence gates made of arbitrary shapes and sizes that can be toggled on and off. They can be toggled by right clicking a sign, ...